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Table of Contents


Welcome to another post on reproducibility in finance literature! In this post, we’ll discuss the reproduced results of the paper “Equity Returns at the Turn of the Month"1


Most of the data used in the paper is sourced from CRSP.


Figure 1. Average daily value-weighted and equal-weighted market returns for the last 10 trading days and the first 10 trading days of the month, 1926-1986

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 2. Average daily value-weighted and equal-weighted market returns for the last 10 trading days and the first 10 trading days of the month, 1987-2005

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 3. Average daily value-weighted and equal-weighted market returns for the last 10 trading days and the first 10 trading days of the month, 1926-2005

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 4. Daily volatility for value-weighted and equal-weighted U.S. stock market returns for the last 10 trading days and the first 10 trading days of the month, 1926-2005

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Table 1: Daily Value-Weighted and Equal-Weighted U.S. Stock Market Returns at the Turn-of-the-Month, 1926-2005


Original Paper Table Reproduced Table


Original Paper Table Reproduced Table

Table 2: Excess Daily Value-Weighted and Equal-Weighted U.S. Stock Market Returns at the Turn-of-the-Month, 1926-2005


Original Paper Table Reproduced Table


Original Paper Table Reproduced Table

Table 4: Returns to the Fama-French-Carhart Size, Book-to-Market and Momentum Factors of U.S. Stock Returns, 1963-2005

Original Paper Table Reproduced Table

Table 5: Daily Stock Market Returns for 34 non-U.S. Countries at the Turn-of-the-Month

Original Paper Table Reproduced Table

Table 6: Average Daily U.S. Interest Rates at the Turn-of-the-Month over Various Time Periods Ending with December 2005

Original Paper Table Reproduced Table

Table 7: Average Daily Value-Weighted and Equal-Weighted U.S. Stock Market Returns at the Turn-of-the-Month, February 1998-December 2005

Original Paper Table Reproduced Table


  1. Xu, Wei and McConnell, John J., Equity Returns at the Turn of the Month (July 2006). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=917884 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.917884 ↩︎