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Welcome to another post on reproducibility in finance literature!


Most of the data used in the paper is sourced from Kenneth French Data Library.


Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

Original Paper Table
Reproduced Table

Table 2: AR(1) of one-month realized variances

Original Paper Table Reproduced Table

Table 3: Momentum and the economic gains from scaling

Original Paper Table
Reproduced Table

Table 4: Decomposition of the risk of momentum

Table 6: Performance of plain momentum (WML) and scaled momentum (WML* ) in different subsamples

Original Paper Table
Reproduced Table

Figure 1

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 2

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 3

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 4

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 5

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure

Figure 6

Original Paper Figure Reproduced Figure
